Knowledge Base Digest - February 2024
Articles How do I find audit log messages for operator management on the WatchGuard website? Access point actions that result in a reboot of the device or a restart of the radios that disconnect wireless clients Users cannot log in to computers with the Logon app installed when they are offline or have limited connectivity Browser extension for the AuthPoint password manager shows a 401 error Known Issues Firebox SFP/SFP+ transceiver connection issues with third-party transceivers Transmit power inconsistencies in UI for wireless Fireboxes Tier-3 delegated Subscriber account does not show in WatchGuard Cloud Account Manager Firebox Cloud in AWS crashes when you make configuration changes or upgrade the Fireware OS Management server unable to add new devices with RapidDeploy "No devices have a firmware upgrade available" message when you try to upgrade FireClusters in WatchGuard Cloud Access point local Web UI shows "United States" as the country of operation when the device is located in a different country Japanese characters not correctly decoded in a captive portal Web Form New WebBlocker categories in Fireware v12.10.2 not visible in Policy Manager ThreatSync Device Settings page fails to load
Knowledge Base Digest - February 2024