Knowledge Base Digest - August 2024
Articles Support for Firebox SSO with Azure AD User accounts and Azure joined Computers Interface module slot appears to be misaligned in M290, M390, M590, and M690 devices Known Issues After upgrade to Mobile VPN with SSL v12.10.4, authentication to a Firebox from Windows fails Operators can no longer revert undeployed Firebox template changes in WatchGuard Cloud AuthPoint agent for macOS MFA page goes away after 25 seconds and leaves a black screen Forgot token mode does not end for the Logon app on macOS computers When I unlock my Mac computer, I am prompted for MFA but I can still see and use computer files When I log in to a Mac with the AuthPoint Logon app, I get a black screen and go back to the login page after entering a password When I unlock my Mac with Touch ID, the AuthPoint MFA window appears over the computer UI Backup master is inactive on T20/T40/T55 FireClusters ThreatSync Block IP action fails with reason "Error: Could not block the IP" Cannot import web server certificate in Dimension v2.2.2
Knowledge Base Digest - August 2024